Franco Fontana

Very colorful with graphic touch. You can see some of his work here, here, or here.

Hans Eijkelboom

Dutch conceptual artist Hans Eijkelboom was working for 15 years in three major cities, studying similarities in between and globalisation itself. The result is a book called Paris-New York-Shanghai. A short review, some discussion (in the bottom) and short clips No1, No2, No3 from opening, I suppose. Read some more here and especially here.

Richard Learoyd

You can see some older work at his old web page. There are some excelent photographs at union gallery, that are product of specific process, as you can read at above mentioned gallery, inside "about the artist" folder. Because of uniquesness of each photograph the estimate price is quite high, as can be seen here. Worth a visit, for sure.

Andrew Bush

Great photographer, well known for his "House", "Blank envelopes" and
series, that is my personal best one. Be sure to check the other photograps, including the one at Julie Saul Gallery. Read a brief article on review of exibitions at already mentioned galley here, made by Martha Schwendener, and review on People in their cars, Driving Along, made by Charles Hagen in The New York Times.

Francesco Jodice

Francesco Jodice is a Professor of Theory and practice of the technological image, Faculty of Design and Art, University of Bolzano, Italy. Presented at Photo Paris 2007, as exhibitor from Italy, that was guest of honor coutry this year. Photographs are under "what we want" folder, video instalation is inside "the secret traces" and "100 storie" and film is at "the morocco affair" folder. Check the other folders for sure (hikikomori for example).

James Benning

One of the movies presented at film festival held in Ljubljana (Liffe) was 13 lakes, James Benning's 135 min long film presenting the title, literally. Read a movie review here and an interview with author.

Jay Wolke

I found some good photographs at Jay Wolke's site inside (best in my opinion) all around the house project.

*I found this link at Peter Feldhaus blog.

Peter Granser

I am a bit cofused at Peter Granser's site, but I found my self attracted by his photographs. Find some more here.

*I found this link at
Peter Feldhaus blog.

Jenny Lynn

She is a photographer and conceptual artist. My favorable are photographs inside series named soliloquy, where models are used as stand -ins for herself, i.e. self-portraits.

Claudio Hils

German photographer, working also as publisher, curator and lector. He is teaching photography at the University of Applied sciences Vorarlberg in Austria. Worth a visit, for sure.

Yongsuk Suh

I really like his work.

*I found this link at
Jörg Colberg's weblog.

Juha Kuvo

Nice photographs in at Juha Kovo's site.

Jörg M Colberg

Blog about fine-art photography, as it is written at his page. There are links to contemporary photography, interviews with photographers and more. Practicaly is updated daily. It is a great blog, actually my personal best. Worth of visit, for sure.

Blog: Conscientious

Jörg M Colberg

Una Hamilton Helle

My personal opinion is that "He died at see" is the most powerful of series. The reason could be also the story behind.
Other series.

Mark Surloff

He is living as arhitectural photographer. His personal work.

Giedon Barnett

Very nice series. Qite a few pearls could be found there.

The Art of Collecting Photography, Laura Noble

Excellent book. It is a must, if you are involved in photograpy.

Bert Teunissen

Great domestic landscapes, made by Bert Teunissen.

Phillip Carpenter

I like his work. Simple and effective.
His site.

Dick Sanders

Great portraits. You should check out here.

Paul Shambroon

Explores America's power and culture trough its democratic, economic and security institutions. His site.

Andrej Perko

Fotografska razstava v Mali galeriji Cankarjevega doma. Več tukaj.

Denis Hopper

Večini znan kot igralec, malo manj znano dejstvo pa je, da se je uveljavil tudi kot fotograf in slikar.
Nekaj njegovih del si je mogoče ogledati na acegallery. Več je možno prebrati v 51 izdaji B&W magazine.
