Angela Strassheim

Worth a visit. For more check this and this, also Artist's Talk by Angela Strassheim, Artnet Magazine review, and brief interview.

Reminds me on Jessica Todd Harper's photography. Must be the similar theme, I guess.

Slideshow? No, thank you.

I don’t see a reason for seeing slideshows. If I wish leaf through photographs faster, I will click faster (and of course the opposite for slower). I want to be in charge on browsing speed. It is a photography, not a movie, and if it is a good one, it will take some time for me to absorb it and to enjoy watching it. This is also one of the reasons, why I prefer paper. There is no negative surprises, as you can get it on screen (blink, zoom,..). I don't like pages, where slideshows starts immediately, like Magnum, for example (I am not talking about the quality of photographs).

Stephen Wilks

Stephen Wilks is looking for interesting appearance around him. Photography is one of arts he is using to express him self.

Brian Finke

It is easy to see the connection between photographer Brian Finke and his objects. You can drawn into a single photograph and get the the whole picture after seeing the series of 15. Check for some more here (including price information), here and here (with short interview).
